Study and Scientific Library – Hradec Králové  ——  The Roof of the St. Pius Church  ——  Museum aan de Strom  ——  Interior of an outdoor store Český Ráj  ——  Sport and Relaxation Centre  ——  Technorama of Emil Škoda  ——  Fojtka family estate  ——  House by the third hole  ——  Horní Počernice II  ——  Náplavní 2/1772  ——  The Info-system of the Park at Letná  ——  The Barandov interior  

Loft conversion in Terronská  ——  Arabská Highschool  ——  Nebušice family house  
Letenské sady  ——  Family house in Semčice  ——  Glass and Bijouterie Museum  ——  High Museum of Art  

Technorama of Emil Škoda – Plzeň

Technorama of Emil Škoda is an interactive museum and a study centre with a mission to encourage especially the younger generations in their interest in the technical fields. It developed from a reconstructed PJ55 hall in the Plzeň Škoda Complex, originally a railway-engine factory. Large exhibition areas, multi-purpose multi-media aula, technical and administrative background, a depository, and an exterior exhibition area are all part of the Technorama.

The architectonic expression of the building is based on the contrast of the original industrial architecture and newly designed elements. The building itself becomes part of the exhibition. Original constructions had been cleaned from additionally designed elements, the original relief of the facades had been renovated and the original trolley cranes had been restored. The most visible new element is a glass niche of the entrance, an obvious orientation point which helps emphasize the new functional-urban and traffic ties. In the interior expression point of view, emphasis is mainly on the preservation of continuity and grandeur of the halls.

The project had been designed while working in the architectonic studio Hlaváček & partner.

author:Dalibor Hlaváček, Michal Hlaváček
cooperation:Jan Cyrany, Martin Kabátník, Daniela Maxová
visualizations:Jan Cyrany, Dalibor Hlaváček