Study and Scientific Library – Hradec Králové  ——  The Roof of the St. Pius Church  ——  Museum aan de Strom  ——  Interior of an outdoor store Český Ráj  ——  Sport and Relaxation Centre  ——  Technorama of Emil Škoda  ——  Fojtka family estate  ——  House by the third hole  ——  Horní Počernice II  ——  Náplavní 2/1772  ——  The Info-system of the Park at Letná  ——  The Barandov interior  

Loft conversion in Terronská  ——  Arabská Highschool  ——  Nebušice family house  
Letenské sady  ——  Family house in Semčice  ——  Glass and Bijouterie Museum  ——  High Museum of Art  

High Museum Expansion – Atlanta, USA

The expansion of the High Museum of Art in Atlanta (the original project by Richard Maier, 1983) doubles the original area of the museum. The expansion of the museum consists of three new buildings: the main pavilion, a building for special collections and an administration building. College dormitories are also part of the premises.
The fundamental theme of the museum is the zenith illumination design – a unique system of 10 000 circular sky-lights providing optimal light for the exhibitions in the upper floors. The zenith lighting also creates a characteristic architectonic element of the project. A thorough verification of the architectonic concept on models of various scale had been emphasized during all design phases.

The project had been designed while working in RPBW.

project:1999 – 2005
construction:2002 – 2005
author:Renzo Piano Building Workshop (Mark Carrol - senior partner in charge)
cooperation:M.Agnoletto, J.Boon, S.Chavez, S.Colon, F.Elmalipinar, D.Hlaváček, S.Ishida, G.Longoni, M.Maggi, A.Parigi, D.Patterson, R.Sproull, E.Suarez, A.Symietz, E.Trezzani, J.Silvester, R.Supiciche, S.Tagliacarne, A.Vrana, B.Waechter
photography:M. Denancé, D. Hlaváček
model:F.Cappelini, D.Cavagna, D.Hlaváček, A.Parigi, S.Rossi